Luc Coadou
Musical Director & Baritone - Member & Founder of Les Voix Animées

Born under the Northern mists, Luc Coadou, just like the Renaissance Flemish masters, easily switches from the role of singer to the role of music director with a constant care about pedagogy and musicological research. We can find a particular interest for early music in his academic work - he is the author of research articles on the lyrical theatre during the French revolution.


With Les Voix animées, Luc Coadou explores the vast repertoire of a cappella... read full bio

Aurore Gontard
Soprano - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2023

Born into a music-loving family in Poitou, Aurore approched the stage as a child, through violin, dance and choir. After studying at the conservatories of Niort, La Rochelle and Toulouse, she started singing opera at eighteen and was quickly noticed for her clear and natural voice.
After a double master's degree in history, literature and English civilisation at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, she finally decided to pursue a full-time musical career, and joined the conservatories of... read full bio

Sterenn Boulbin
Soprano - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2016

After graduating from the music conservatory of Caen, where she obtained a first prize in piano and chamber music, Sterenn followed an advanced program in composition, harmony, orchestration at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris.
She then studied lyrical singing in Paris and Aix-en-Provence within Monique Zanetti’s class, where she obtained a first prize in ancient music.
She now perfects her technique with J.L. Deveze and she attends acting workshops with... read full bio

Maud Bessard-Morandas
Soprano - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2023

Initialement danseuse et comédienne, la Soprano léger colorature Maud Bessard-Morandas est titulaire de 3 Masters obtenus au CNSMDL (direction) et à la HEM de Genève (chant et pédagogie) et d’une Licence de musicologie à l’Université Lyon 2.

Finaliste et lauréate des Concours Cesti, de Gordes et Leopold Bellan, elle incarne L’Amour et Eurydice, Thérèse, La... read full bio

Sofie Garcia

Sofie GARCIA started her preparation as a musician from a very early age.

She studied harpsichord at the conservatory of Lyon.

She was also a member of the children’s choir of the Opera of Lyon for seven years, where she took part in several productions.

After receiving a scientifical A-level, she continued her musical theoretical training at the Conservatory of Lyon, got her Bachelor of Music and Musicology at the Sorbone University in 2010 and took singing... read full bio

Laura Jarrell
Mezzo / Soprano - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2019

French mezzo-soprano Laura Jarrell is currently studying in Rennes under the tutelage of mezzo- soprano Stéphanie d’Oustrac. Previous to this, she graduated with Master of Performance at the Royal College of Music in London where she was supported by the Josephine Baker Trust, the Big Give award and the Audrey Sacher award.


As an ensemble singer, she tours with many groups in France and abroad, including the Monteverdi choir conducted by Sir John Eliot... read full bio

Laurence Recchia
Mezzo / Soprano - Member & Founder of Les Voix Animées

Laurence has been a musician from an early age (piano). She  recorded musical stories for children (voice), and discovered choir singing at adolescence. She then explored many repertoires, from classical singing to American pop songs but also worked in musical theater with several leading roles in different productions.

She sang in several ensembles : the Choir of the Sorbonne (directed by Jacques Grimbert and Denis Rouger), the PACA Regional Choir (directed by Michel... read full bio

Isabelle Schmitt
Mezzo / Soprano - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2016

She first studied cello and viola da gamba at conservatory of Aix en Provence where she obtained her DEM then she went on to perfectionning the Schola Cantorum in Bâle, where her passion for singing began. 


On 2010, Isabelle obtained her DEM in baroque singing at the Baroque Music Center of Versailles. She gives concerts on a regular basis in the Royal Chapel of Versailles and in several festivals in France and abroad and with different ensembles :... read full bio

Cyrille Lerouge
Countertenor - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2018

Cyrille is a french Countertenor. He started singing at age 7 in a Boys Choir based in his hometown, in Nogent-sur-Marne (near Paris). He has stayed in this choir until he was 18, which made him sing more than 50 concerts every year, as a solo and ensemble singer, in prestigious places in Paris (Notre-Dame de Paris, Saint-Eustache, Saint-Louis en L’Île etc.) and abroad during the international summer tours (Spain, Switzerland, U.S.A., Japan…).


In... read full bio

Maximin Marchand
Countertenor - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2023

Comédien diplomé de l’ERAC, Maximin est également contre-ténor formé au conservatoire d’Aix en Provence dans la classe de Monique Zanetti.

Entre autres faits d’armes, en 2014, au Festival d’Avignon, il chante dans Le Prince de Hombourg de Kleist mis en scène par Giorgio Barberio Corsetti; en 2015, c’est le rôle d’Orphée de Louis Lully sous la direction de Pierre Guiral. 2016... read full bio

Raphaël Pongy
Countertenor - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2012

First, Raphaël Pongy worked on his whole tessitura (baritone and falsetto) and in mean time he had a degree in musicology in Aix-en-Provence. When he came in Lyon, he got an award in sol-fa, he met Nicolas Domingues with whom he exclusively worked on the countertenor register.


In 2011, he graduated  in baroque song in Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles, into the classroom of Isabelle Desrochers, during when he was under the direction of Olivier... read full bio

Mathieu Becquerelle
Tenor - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2010

At the age of 5, his parents took Mathieu to his first piano lesson, and from this moment on, he has been seen behind the keyboard. Trained at the Conservatoire de Marseille, he won the Premier Prix d’Art Lyrique. He started his career by joining Les Carboni with the show Un de la Canebière. After performing with Les Tréteaux de France and twice at the Festival d’Avignon, the show came to Paris at Théâtre 14, and was also broadcast on French... read full bio

Olivier Merlin
Ténor - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2019

Originaire de la région parisienne, Olivier Merlin étudie le chant lyrique ainsi que le piano au conservatoire régional de Cergy-Pontoise, tout en poursuivant en parallèle des études de droit et de lettres modernes.

Son activité de chanteur comprend de nombreuses et régulières participations aux chœurs d’opéra en France, notamment avec le chœur Mélisme(s) dirigé par Gildas Pungier... read full bio

Camille Leblond
Ténor - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2022

Camille Leblond discovered instrumental practice by chance at age 11 through harpsichord. Very soon, he was brought to explore the lyrical repertoire from ensemble music. That is how he revealed his voice and developed a passion for working on it. After a long self-teaching period, he began a lyrical formation in 2019 with Hubert Humeau and then Laetitia Volcey at the Conservatoire du Grand Châlon from which he received his degree in 2021.


During this course,... read full bio

Eymeric Mosca
Tenor - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2011

Along with a Bachelor in Filming and Audio Engineering, Eymeric Mosca studies the piano with Michel Capolongo in Cannes, and with Jean-Sébastien Bardon in Aubagne, where he obtains his diploma.


In 2010, he finishes the Music Theory course in the Conservatoire of Marseille. The same year, he starts singing in Toulon with Luc Coadou and Marie-Louise Duthoit, along Music Culture and Choir Directing courses.


In 2014, he enters the... read full bio

Damien Roquetty

After graduating with a degree in musicology, Damien Roquetty studied voice at the Conservatoire of Aix-en-Provence with Laure Florentin.  Passionate about early music, he joined the Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles where he worked with Viviane Durand then Isabelle Desrochers and got a final degree (DEM).


This solid background led him to sing under the direction of Olivier Schneebeli, Hervé Niquet, Christophe Rousset, Patrick Cohen-Akenine,... read full bio

Julien Guilloton
Bass - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2023

Julien Guilloton étudie la trompette pendant 11 ans puis décide de se tourner vers le chant et plus particulièrement vers le répertoire a cappella. Il étudie la musicologie à Tours, intègre en 2001 le choeur Mikrokosmos, spécialisé dans la musique contemporaine, puis étudie 4 ans aux Pays-Bas afin de perfectionner sa technique vocale de basse.


Il débute sa carrière professionnelle en... read full bio

Former artistic staff

2009 / 2022

Angèle Chemin, Alice Glaie, Cécile Granger, Esther Labourdette, Céline Laly, Lisa Magrini, Loreline Mione, Baptistine Mortier, Harriet Mountford, Adèle Pons, Sabine Thiers, Lise Viricel, Bérengère Mauduit, Elise Monray, Charlotte Welti, Sylvain Manet, Matthieu Peyregne, William Howard Shelton, Antoine Strub, Samy Camps, Lionel Desmeules, Pierre Girod, Richard Golian, Benjamin Ingrao, Lisandro Nesis, Loïc Paulin, Cyril Costanzo, Eudes Peyre.


Artistes associés

Marie Langlet
Luthiste - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2019

Titulaire d'un premier prix de guitare à l'unanimité dans la classe d'Alberto Ponce au Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris et d'une maîtrise de musicologie, Marie Langlet se tourne vers le théorbe, la guitare baroque et le luth renaissance avec Eric Bellocq, Benjamin Perrot et Charles-Edouard Fantin au CRR de Paris. 


En tant que guitariste, elle a collaboré avec l'Orchestre National de France,... read full bio

Marianne Salmon
Luthiste - Member of Les Voix Animées since 2021

Après des études de guitare classique, luth renaissance et théorbe à Toulon, Marianne entre en 2013 dans la classe de Peter Croton à la Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.


En février 2015, entre autre sous l’impulsion du clavieriste Jesper Christensen, elle se consacre au répertoire romantique à la guitare et à son interprétation tout en étudiant le théorbe et la basse continue avec... read full bio


Romain Bastard

Compositeur, organiste, pianiste, interprète, improvisateur, Romain Bastard est né en Normandie dans une famille d’artistes. Il débute sa formation au Conservatoire de Caen où il reçoit des cours d’écriture dès l'âge de 12 ans. Puis aux Conservatoires Nationaux Supérieurs de Paris et de Lyon où il obtient le Master de composition, en contrepoint, harmonie et fugue. 

Travaillant comme organiste... read full bio

Tomás Bordalejo

Tomás Bordalejo came to Paris in 2005. He first attended class in the Gennevilliers music academy, the CRR de Paris and the Pôle supérieur de Création Boulogne-Billancourt. His encounter with the composer Bernard Cavanna during the composition workshop in the prestigious Villecroze Academy was a stepping-stone for his career. Under the guidance of Peter Eötvös, Pascal Dusapin, Yan Maresz, Philippe Hersant, and Philippe Manoury,... read full bio

Karol Beffa

Karol Beffa, born in 1973, had a general education along with music studies after having been a child actor between the ages of seven and 12, appearing in more than 15 films. Top of his class at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, he read history (Bachelor's degree), English (Master's), philosophy (Master's at Cambridge University) and mathematics, graduating from ENSAE (Graduate School of Economics, Statistics and Finance).


Enrolling at the Paris... read full bio

Leo Collin

Born in 1990 in France. Léo Collin studied Art applied, composition and electronic music in Marseille, Genève, Freiburg in Breisgau and Zurich. His work includes video theater, walks, audio works such instrumental and vocal compositions as well as electroacoustic compositions. Furthermore performance pieces are a major focus in his work. Since 2014 his work has been presented internationally at festivals, museums and other places.


He has artistically... read full bio

Christophe Demarthe

Christophe Demarthe is a composer and sound designer based in Paris. For many years he has been working at the border of sound and visual arts, creating music and sound architectures for theatre, dance, visual arts, film, radio, television, fashion. In his commissioned work Christophe Demarthe proceeds in small steps, by subtle intuitions, through an incessant game of back and forth between the project under construction and his sound work.


Since 2010 he has been... read full bio

Raphaël Languillat

Born in Morocco in 1989. Raphaël Languillat stopped his studies in french-german law to devote himself to composition in 2010, joining Daniel D'Adamo’s class in Reims CRR and graduating from Reims University with a bachelor degree in musicology. Since October 2014 he continues his studies in Master degree at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt unter the guidance of Michael Reudenbach and Orm Finnendahl.


His works question the... read full bio

Anne Mirou

Anne Mirou's musical journey follows the history of music chronologically: in an embryonic state, she was impregnated with Renaissance counterpoint within the vocal ensemble to which her parents belong; as a child, she played the harpsichord, with a predilection for the English virginalist composers of the Elizabethan era, and for the music of Bach, whose liturgical work is for her a real revelation; as a teenager, she takes a liking to romantic music, notably thanks to Mendelssohn;... read full bio

Dimitri Tchesnokov

Dimitri TCHESNOKOVis a French-Ukrainian composer and pianist of Russian descent, born in 1982. He began his musical studies in the Tourchak Art-school in Kyiv, (Київська дитяча школа мистецтв ім. Стефана Турчака) with Svitlana Dembovs'ka (Світлана Дембовська) as piano teacher. Later he entered the Glier Kyiv institute of music, (Київський інститут музики ім. Р. М. Глієра) and studied piano with Elena Verikivs'ka (Єлена Веріківська). Arriving in France at the age of 15, he works with... read full bio